*Total weight gain: 10 kilos which is about 22 pounds
*How big is baby?: Sparky is (still) the the size of a squash
Your baby keeps gaining weight rapidly by week 31. Your baby now weighs almost 3.3 pounds and is about 16 inches long! Your baby is busy accumulating layers of fat under his skin as you continue your pregnancy week by week. The arms, legs, and body start to fill out and will look less wrinkly as each week progresses.
*Maternity clothes?: Yup - let's just say I wash my clothes a lot - my wardrobe is becoming more & more limited:) I also packed away all my dressy work shirts, as I won't be needing those for awhile now!
*Sleep?: Not great when I was still getting over my cold, but the last few nights I have slept wonderfully!!*Best moment this week? My baby shower yesterday!!!! It was wonderful - I will post the pictures soon:)
*Movement?: Sparky still moves a lot, but now it's big 'shifts' in movement rather than kicks - he is definitely running out of space in there. A few days ago we felt a huge hard bit poke out at the front - we are thinking it was probably his back and bum! Hiccups are becoming a more regular occurance as well.
*Food cravings?: Nothing new, although I think Sparky loved the fancy treats at my high tea shower!
*Labor signs?: Too soon for that!*Belly button in or out?: flattie
*What I miss: Hmmm nothing really - all is well :)*What I'm looking forward to: Moving into 'month 8' next week. Also - starting our classes at the hospital on Saturday!!
*Milestone: I ordered the crib (cot) bedding that I love this weekend!! I don't LOVE any of the gender neutral bedding, so I decided to just order the stuff I really like in both pink & blue, then we can just return what we don't end up needing:) Unfortunately I found out they don't make the same combination of striped/dot bedding that I wanted in both pink and blue - how bizarre! Oh well - they are still gorgeous sheets - feels like a huge relief to now have them on order!!
*Feelings this week:
**Baby Brain has hit me with full force in the last week. At the movies the other night I walked into the men's room.... even though I have been there a million times - I just had to GO and didn't look at the sign well enough..... opps! I blame baby brain.....Then later in the week I went to throw garbage out from my car at the gas station & threw my keys in the bin too - duh! again - blaming the baby brain.....
I know they say baby brain doesn't really exist - you just become fuzzy headed because of lack of sleep (those night time restroom trips & all....) - but whatever it is - I do feel it!
** I have been going to prenatal pilates with my friend Cassie for quite awhile now. It has been fantastic - I really feel like I get a good workout, and she tailors our shared sessions to exactly what I need (strengthen my bad shoulder & back & also lots of pregnancy specific exercises). She has predicted quite a few of her client's/friend's baby genders - so I thought I'd give it a go (her success rate is 5 out of 6 predictions were correct so far....). I brought in the 19 week scan and she thinks by looking at it that Sparky is a boy - we shall see!!!
** I also went to prenatal Yoga for the first time this week. Eh - it was ok. Too much laying on the floor if you ask me. I prefer actually getting a workout to laying around thinking about relaxing my 'toes & feet & legs & arms etc etc etc etc......). It was fun to check out though.
** Also I took my wedding ring off last night. It was getting a bit too snug for comfort..... and I really didn't want to leave it on so long that I'd risk having to have it cut off - so it's now in a safe place until Sparky arrives:) It feels so weird not having a ring on that finger though.... I keep feeling my empty finger with my thumb and having a minor panic until I remember - oh yea - I took it off!