The beginning of 'winter' has brought us lots of rainy days, but its hasn't been too cold.
Which means we still try to get out of the house at least once a day for a walk, even if that means bringing our umbrellas & rain boots :)
The sun was out earlier this week - so we went to a local park. The weather was gorgeous (about 18c, mid 60s f), so warm in the sun. We were thrilled to have the park to ourselves for awhile. |
Genna sneaking towards the Galahs (a type of parrot) - she said 'I want to pet them.' I said go ahead and try :) |
One funny story from this week. Genevieve found a shoe horn on the step that Murray has been using to get his new work shoes on in the morning. She said 'What's This?' When I told her, she put it up to her mouth and tried to 'blow the horn.' Lol - I explained no it's not a musical horn, it's for your shoes. So last night, when she was going upstairs with Murray she said 'Dadda - that is your horn shoe. I tried to blow it, but it not work.'