Only thing to report so far really is I have been feeling movement every couple days or so. I just feel something like Jingle flipping around - just one time, so I know it's Jingle (not gas ha ha!). Looking forward to when we can feel kicks - I just know Genna will LOVE that!
After our hospital visit (to check out the maternity ward) Genna said 'I want to change ALL of the baby's nappies' I said ok, but you know they poo 10 times a day.
She said 'EVERY DAY?'
I think that offer will not stand - ha ha.
At my doctor appointment, my OB briefly did a scan. I called Genna over to see as she hasn't been to previous scans with us. The baby was kicking and flailing it's arms. She stood there just staring at it - in shock I think!
Later she said to me 'why was she curled up like your sunnies?' (I guess she means when I fold my sunglasses up). I said that's how he is supposed to be - he's comfy in there but a bit curled up. She was just fascinated with the whole thing!
Tonight she said to me 'Where will the baby come from' I said - from my tummy.
She said 'No but WHERE will she come from.'
I was ummmmming - not sure what I wanted to say
Then she pipes up 'From the hospital!!!'
lol - thank goodness! bit young for that conversation :)