Such a big boy :)
We've had a tough few weeks with you cutting your top 2 middle teeth - but that smile always cheers me up in the morning :)
Looking I'm starting to get better at rolling my body!
So grabby lol!
Gosh she's looking SO grown up!
Avocado is still definitely his favourite! He'd eat a whole one every day if I let him!
Genna decorated Dadda's birthday cake!
And she picked out a present for him all by herself! (well, a bit of help from me...) and made a card!
It was her wrapping paper choice though!
It's Velcro gloves with a sticky tennis ball - a game they can play together. And she chose a big bouncy black ball for throwing around.
Murray dressed up for a birthday dinner with his parents
Here GrandDad try this!
The carnage after I let him chew on a teething biscuit (hard thick breadstick basically) while I shop. It keeps him happy while I shop though and feels great on his gums!
Last week we went to Luna Park (an amusement park) with friends - there was even a petting zoo that day!
But the rides were the BEST!
Genna's first time there - she was thrilled!
Checking herself in the mirror ha ha
With her friend Max !
I'm in space!!
Max and Genna rode every ride together - they had a great time!
I tried to get a picture of Mr. Vampire teeth - you can see them here, along with an apple skin!
Max, Genna, Alannah and Ashton
On the big ferris wheel with Max
She LOVED the view - harbour bridge and the Opera House!!
YAY ice creams - such a fun day with friends!!
The gang: Alannah, Toby, Max, Genna & Ashton
They went the 5 kids rides at least 5 times each, they really had a blast
Ahhhhh - Genna said Max is her new best friend :)
Back at home with a new Easter bunny
And Max in a girly bib cuddling with Nanna
Working on this rolling thing
He can get over on his arm just far enough to grab things on his own now - but once he flops onto his stomach he gets upset because he doesn't know how to get back!