Saturday, December 20, 2014

5 Months / Week 23

Chilling out together


Showing off her MN outfit and Frozen crown with Johnny
Another airport annoyance - we got there 5 hours early to check in as they said bassinet was first come first serve. We get there and not only has the bassinet been assigned to the youngest baby (and they can't tell us if that's us!!) but we have to wait til the gate opens in LA to find out. SO we had 5 hours to kill at Minneapolis airport. Luckily they gave Dad a gate pass. We had lunch then enjoyed watching a jazz player for awhile who was promoting his cds.

Max liked the music!

Grandpa had the good idea to go for a train ride too - Genna was THRILLED!

They were very good on the flight to LA. We got some food, then we went to the gate to wait for it to open. It was about 10pm for our body clocks by then - poor muffin fell asleep waiting. The gate finally opened and they told me they only held ONE seat by the bassinet for me!! Obviously that wouldn't work since Genna needed a seat too! So the lady booked us out 3 seats in a middle row instead.

Genna didn't move from her carseat for the first 10 hours of the flight - slept for 7-8 hours of that, then watched movies. I held Max the whole time - but at least I had a bit of space to spread out!

All in all a good flight, very well behaved children and well worth it for our awesome trip to Minnesota!
Practicing sitting

Still in her pjs, we decorated our tree this week

catching up with friends this week

photo bomb :)


  1. MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Glad you made it back... too bad the airlines are so ridiculous! Nice that Grandpa John got to stay-n-play!! Love the train shot of Genna! Thanks for the update. Max looks bigger already!!
    Love you all!

  2. Love you, miss you, cherishing each and every photo. Glad that you are safe and happy, as well as anticipating the holidays. Give the kids our hugs acorss the miles.
    Love you, Mom and Dad

  3. Happy New Year- sweet Genevieve and Maxwell! Grandma and Grandpa wish you health and happiness in 2015. Love and hugs across the miles! We were grateful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with you sweet children. Love you!
