Half way through the party - MANY cakes eaten - but MANY still to go! (everyone brought something)
Everyone sampled quite a few which was fun!
How bad are we though? Helen and I were SO busy chatting to people (and eating cakes) that we forgot to take any other photos!!! Oh well, it was a lovely day - 9 people came & lots of babies and LOTS of amazing baked goods. The only person who didn't have a great time was Genna. She was NOT happy about people touching her toys.... and spent most of the afternoon sitting on her sofa, with Amelia nearby, just watching everyone.
However once everyone left......
She now has to have her new puppy as well as baba with her when she goes to bed. She hugs them both to her chest - so sweet!
Princess Genevieve (and her new bookshelf - assembled by Mama)
Last week, on our day off (Wednesdays), we started swimming lessons again. It was the BEST decision. You absolutely LOVE swimming - you have this HUGE smile on your face the entire time. We do all sorts of fun activities, and you especially love the last bit where they have a big long mat that everyone is along side of, and one by one the instructor places you on top of the mat standing, and Mama waits on the other side so you can run to me and leap into the water. You love it because everyone cheers your name saying 'GO Genevieve.' It's SO much fun!!
and some Finger painting!!! Messy and FUN!
Paint paint paint (warning - this is a Long video!)
Also, I just need to brag, that you can count to 10!!!
It's amazing - you are such a smarty pants :)