It's been a big week for you - one new thing you learned this week was how to wave! You especially like to wave at yourself in the mirror :)
You also have discovered your own hair this week. When you are drinking you reach up and grab onto your hair to feel it, sometimes you even pull out a tuft - ouch!
You are also learning to anticipate. When I come up to the bed and put my arms up like I'm going to jump onto it and tickle you, you start to laugh and flail your arms around -very cute!
You also had a few play dates this week - you had a good time with Carly
and you also had a lot of fun with Chloe
the ladies with their toy balls - super fun!
ohhhhh there are toys over there!! (you had fun together pulling over your toy basket and emptying it to explore everything!)
you also had some fun giggles with Daddy
and some lovely cuddles with Daddy out in Manly
This was also your first week in day care! I joined the gym, and you went into the childcare 3 times this week. The first time I cried, the second time you cried and they called me out of the gym to come get you early, and the third time they said you were easier to comfort. Sooooo - bit by bit. It's hard - but I think it's good for both of us.
This week you turned 7 months old (also 31 weeks!)
You are on the move!! You can scoot across the room super quickly
And I can't trust you to sit on the sofa for photos anymore - you're too quick!
Going for your favorite thing in the whole world - the tv remote......
Sleepy munchkin
Daddy snuck in to take some photos of you sleeping - you and your bunny :) You mostly sleep on your side now
At Fairlight Beach - we had a fun catch up with our friends Lindsay & Chloe, we had a dip in the water too - so warm & lovely!
Breakfast at Shelly Beach - it was fun to get out in the morning - until you leaned over and before I knew it you stuck 3 fingers in the sand & licked it off!!!!
You had your first finger food this week - apples and carrots
Concentrating hard! You prefer carrots - I think it's because they are easier to spot on the high chair :)
Happy and ready for lunch!
This week we had to say goodbye to your beloved whale bath
It was time to retire it after you decided you didn't want to just sit anymore in the bath
You are up and down and all over the place now - grabbing for the cloth, up on your knees...
and grabbing for the tap too - just not safe anymore - even with my arms nearby as you are SO fast!
So we got a lovely little bath mat and tried that instead
But you flipped right over, and then tried to stand, then sit, then stand - so that only lasted 1 night. Now I sit in the bath with you - surrounded by my legs you are much safer and can still have a fun time in the bath (most of which is spent standing- ha ha!)
And this week was also your 31 week birthday Sometimes you won't cooperate with smiles - but I love your goofy faces too
Huge smiles - gosh you LOVE to roll - especially now that it is SO easy!