Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 45

Dear Genevieve,
This week you turned 45 weeks old!
This week we are working on 'rules' - after just a few days of me sitting you back down in the bath and saying 'no standing, we sit in the bath' you TOTALLY get it. You enjoy brushing your teeth in the bath too :) The other thing we worked on this week is not eating books - it went well for a few days until I caught you eating a few today! Oh well - we will keep working on it :)

We had to get you a warmer jacket because it started to get chilly this week

I also got to cuddle Steph's little one Charlie again - lovely :)

You are getting quite good at walking just holding one of my hands now too

and transferring from one thing to another - you are getting quite brave!

You love practicing eating with a spoon - messy - but fun!

Ohhhh what's in my toy basket?

Your friend Louisa came over one day to play too


Sitting snuggled up with Daddy on the sofa - such a tiny little head! With your brush in your hand of course! You don't need any prompting now, when you see your brush you go straight for my hair or Daddy's hair to brush it - smart girl!

You love your walker SO much - but you decided it'd be even better if you could bring your bear rattle with too

So you experimented with a few different ways to carry it

Your bunny slipper was fun to carry around too - this time in your mouth! ha ha

You have recently started sucking on your bunny's arms - cute. And just this week you sorted out how to stand up in your cot in your sleep sack!

I love this dress on you - such a pretty pretty girl

YAY ducky!

You still had a bit of a cold today - but we bundled up to get a bit of fresh air

We went to see a movie - you were SO good - watched a bit, played a bit and slept a bit :)

We also received this gorgeous handmade blanket for you this week. It's a collection of squares each made by someone who loves you - aunties, uncles, grandparents, friends - such a gorgeous and wonderful keepsake. Everyone sent in a square and my friend Cassie commissioned her friend to put it together - I'm sure you will love to cuddle up in it when you are older!

and the BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG news this week??

Last Thursday you were surfing along the wall and I reached out to you. You reached out, so I pulled my arms back a little bit and you took two steps all by yourself to get to me!!! You haven't done it since (I've tried to encourage it - but you just aren't ready yet) - so so exciting though!

Lots of Love,

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