Monday, June 16, 2014

35, 35

I just realized today I'm 35 weeks pregnant, with 35 day to go !! Exciting :)


  1. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! My suitcases are packed and I am ready to go; Grandma Sis is,too. 35 weeks and 35 days to go...not sure I would ever even think of that.
    Love you, Grandma and Gigi

  2. Glad Murray is home now; makes me feel more relaxed about your delivery coming up soon. Great seeing Genna and you on Skype. Loved the dress that you bought her for her 4th birthday! Love, Grandma

  3. I am so impressed by the video of your stomach, the expressions on Genna's face is marvelous. Keep this forever. Love you, miss you. GiGi
